Things About Dragon Ball Z : Z Fighters

Publié le par Z Fighters

Z Fighters
Z Fighters

The absence of guns in games dragon ball z is mostly due to the fact that everyone is capable of a super-powerful energy blast. Who needs an AK-47 when the Kamehameha is basically a Hummer-sized bullet with lock-on targeting? And yeah, regular ammo would probably bounce off of almost all of the Z Fighters, but not all of the heroes are invincible fireball machines. Some of them get stuck on Dragon Ball guard duty.

The screenshots also reveal that fighting won’t be the only portion of the game. The hero has free reign of the show’s West City and sparks up a conversation with Yamcha, indicating some exploration, quest, and RPG elements are in the mix. Oh Yamcha, I remember when he was a threat to take seriously.

"And we'll be bestest friends FOREVAH!!!!!"

Ginyu then inhabits Goku’s body while our hero gets the shit-stained body of Sir Ginyu as the now Ginyu-Goku flies away laughing. Needless to say, Goku does things involving a frog and eventually gets his body back, while Ginyu becomes reptilian for the rest of his days. But it was still nice to see good old Goku get fucked over for at least a little while.

Superman Vs. Goku has been the subject of a lot of fan arguments, but there's not a lot of discussion regarding just how similar they are. Like dbz games Kakarot was an alien sent to earth as a child and grew up as a paragon of virtue. Like Superman, he'll never waver in his principles, to the point that he's nice to the bad guys. He always wants a level playing field, and he doesn't want to fight dirty to win.

But damn, I just want to see more of it. Extreme Butoden is coming to 3DS on June 11 in Japan and we've only seen seconds of it in motion before it's obscured by its cast of 100 characters. There's some series staple Goku on Vegeta action, a Great Saiyaman assist, and then a filled screen. (And then whatever the hell is going with the rest of this commercial.)

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